Taxation Without Representation

Our Federal Government is quietly planting groups of potentially hostile people in rural communities without our involvement and having us pay for it

Taxation Without Representation

Our Federal Government is working with 3rd party “Non-Government Organizations” like World Relief to recruit local municipalities and churches to place potentially hostile, unvetted “refugees” from across the globe into rural communities. They pay for the relocation and initial expenses, and then leave the local municipalities tasked with providing long term housing, healthcare, and financial support to these individuals. And they do so without following procedures required by Federal law in hopes no one will notice until it’s too late. This has proven to be devastating to communities where it has occurred.

World Relief is establishing an office in Eau Claire to relocate people within a 100 mile radius, which includes much of Northwest Wisconsin. A significant opposition has been mounted to the efforts in Eau Claire and delayed the infiltration of our communities. It’s critical that residents be armed with the truth about these efforts, and insist on being involved in the decision making process rather than being blindsided by the Government, and not realizing what’s going on until it’s too late.

Join us in Polk County to get the facts

Learn how this operation works, get the facts on what’s happening before it’s too late.

Mr. Ron Branstner’s presentation was enlightening, providing credible documentation and FOIA request information. Explained was how refugees land in our communities through VOLAGs, (refugee resettlement Volunteer Agencies), contracted by the State Department. VOLAGs facilitate resettlement through their 380+ affiliates including Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services, and World Relief-Fox Valley. Throughout there was no targeting or fault finding towards refugees for merely utilizing the system made available to them and how critically important VOLAGs must adhere to federal requirements due to the damage caused to refugees, communities, and our Constitutional rights when not.

— Kathy Burkett, Ladysmith News November 29th, 2023

I hope you can join us for this free event.

Thursday, Feb 15th 6:00-8:00pm
Browtine Restaurant and Event Center
1361 100th St. Amery, WI 54001