Tyranny in the Name of Refugee Resettlement

How the Federal government is disrupting rural communities and having us pay for it

Tyranny in the Name of Refugee Resettlement
Taxation Without Representation - Ron Branstner

Activist Ron Branstner travelled to Polk County to provide us with the status and details of efforts by the US State Department, working through contracted non-government organizations (NGOs) to quietly place “refugees” from various foreign countries into Rural Communities throughout Western Wisconsin. At issue is not the refugees themselves, but rather the methodology used by the resettlement contractor, World Relief, in placing groups of people within communities within 100 miles of Eau Claire, and leaving those communities the financial and humanitarian burden of caring for those individuals without any input from the receiving communities.

This runs contrary to Federal Law, but it is the standard operating procedure for World Relief to completely bypass receiving input from local elected officials and community residents before placing the refugees.

In this informative podcast, learn what is happening right here in Western Wisconsin so we can insist on making informed decisions rather than being forced to accept the burden and responsibilities without any choice or input.