Wisconsin Supreme Court to Hear Medical Freedom Case Related to Ivermectin

This could be for all the marbles.

Wisconsin Supreme Court to Hear Medical Freedom Case Related to Ivermectin

On January 17, 2023, the Wisconsin State Supreme Court will hear oral Arguments in the case of Gahl v. Aurora Hospital, Docket# 2021AP001787.  At issue in this landmark case is whether the circuit court had the authority to intervene in a medical situation where the medical provider (the hospital system’s board of directors) said the requested treatment fell below the standard of care for patient safety.

Plaintiff Allen Gahl was appointed Power of Attorney by his uncle, John Zingsheim, before Zingsheim’s condition deteriorated to the point where he needed to be put on a ventilator after contracting Covid-19.  The Gahl family has been litigating this case for more than a year with the help of attorney Karen Mueller at the Amos Center for Justice and Liberty.

In October of 2021, as patient John Zingshiem was battling Covid-19 on a ventilator, in a medically induced coma, his nephew, Allen Gahl, filed a complaint with the Waukesha County Circuit Court requesting the judge to order the hospital to honor a prescription for Ivermectin received from the family’s physician outside the hospital.  The hospital fought the request, but did agree to allow the outside physician to administer the drug.

Before the Ivermectin could be administered, the Court of Appeals stepped in and stayed the Circuit Court’s order.  Gahl attempted to bypass the lower court, and asked the Supreme Court to quickly hear the case.  The Supreme Court declined to intervene, citing that the request failed to meet the court’s standard for review.  This forced the case to first go through the lower courts fully before being heard by the Supreme Court.

In May of 2022, the District II Appeals Court ruled that Circuit Court Judge Lloyd Carter of Waukesha County committed judicial error when he ordered Aurora Hospital to admit a physician retained by the John Zingsheim family to their hospital to administer Ivermectin to this dying man.  This decision paved the way for submitting a full appeal to the State Supreme Court.

Attorney Karen Mueller subsequently prepared, and successfully submitted the case to the State Supreme Court on October 28, 2022.

The importance of this decision cannot be overstated. People throughout the state need to know whether the actual words of our legislators when they enact statutes can be reinterpreted by the courts as the District II Appeals Court did in this case when reading the Health Care Power of Attorney statutory forms.” - Attorney Karen Mueller

According to Mueller, the Hospital has said that from their perspective, the courts have no authority to intervene in a case where they say that the medical treatment falls below the standard of care for patient safety, and they determined that Ivermectin fell below the standard of care for patient safety.

John Zingsheim battled Covid for 10 months through 6 hospitals, was on a ventilator for two months while heavily sedated, and at least another month on a ventilator without the sedation with a tracheal tube inserted.  It is exceedingly rare that patients survive and recover after being ventilated for such an extended period of time.

Amazingly, despite all the delays, and being denied the administration of Ivermectin by Aurora, John Zinsheim managed to survive, and was weaned off of the ventilator after being dependent on it for more than three months.  His subsequent path to recovery has been slow, but he can now talk about his experiences.

John Zingsheim addresses the audience at a press conference December 7th, 2022

At a press conference held by attorney Mueller on December 7th, 2022, Zingsheim said: “By the grace of God, I’m standing here today. Your families and mine have been abused by this system, and we have to make sure that there are no new victims… It’s sad that evil is alive and well in this world, but it must be stopped.”

Speaking about the mission of the Amos Center for Justice and Liberty, Mueller said "We are going to strongly defend and protect life.  Amos Center for Justice isn’t going to sit back and wait for something to happen, we are going on the offense, and we are going to do strategic litigation.  And that’s going to happen only with the help of God."

The Amos Center for Justice and Liberty is a public interest, non-profit law firm organization started by Attorney Karen Mueller in 2020, motivated by witnessing all of our Constitutional Rights being increasingly trampled on.

For additional information, please see the press release announcing the Dec. 7th press conference.